Mouvements anormaux

De mé


Maladie de Parkinson

  • Diagnostic:
    • Signes cardinaux:
      1. tremor de repos
      2. bradykinésie
      3. rigidité
      4. trouble de la démarche et de l'équilibre
    • The diagnosis of Parkinson disease requires the presence of bradykinesia and at least one other cardinal feature and the absence of red flags for atypical forms of parkinsonism
  • Traitement: Dopamine agonists are the preferred initial first-line medication in patients younger than 65 years and levodopa is the preferred initial therapy in older patients.
    • Deep brain stimulation is indicated for patients who continue to benefit from levodopa but experience severe motor fluctuations or have a refractory tremor.

Paralysie supranucléaire
